

One of the members of the Black Shores, the black and white Wooly is often by her side. Her vibrant energy illuminates the surroundings, but few people know her fear of facing the darkness.

  • HP841
  • ATK34
  • DEF102
  • Crit. Rate5%
  • Crit. DMG150
  • Energy Regen100
  • Max Stamina140
  • Max Resonance Energy125


Wooly Attack --Basic Attack

Basic Attack
Summon Wooly for up to 4 consecutive attacks, causing Fusion damage.
Basic Attack: Woolies Attack
After the 4th attack of the Basic Attack, Angry Points will appear around Encore. If the Basic Attack is used again during the time the Angry Points appear, a giant Wooly will be summoned to add 1 attack, causing Fusion damage.
Heavy Attack
Consume Stamina, command Wooly to attack the target together, causing Fusion damage.
Mid-air Attack
Consume Stamina, Encore falls from the air to the ground, sweeping the surroundings with flames, causing Fusion damage.
Dodge Counter
After a successful Dodge, use Basic Attack within a certain time to attack the target, causing Fusion damage.

Thermal Wooly --Resonance Skill

Thermal Wooly
Summon Cloudy and Cosmos, and attack the target with high-temperature rays, causing Fusion damage.
Energetic Wellcome
After casting Thermal Wooly, Angry Points will appear around Encore. If Thermal Wooly is used again during the appearance of Angry Points, Cloudy and Cosmos will jointly add an attack, causing Fusion damage.

Cosmos Rampage --Resonance Liberation

Encore is unable to suppress Cosmos, the rampaging Cosmos appears and begins to attack the target.
Basic Attack: Cosmos: Rampage
During Cosmos's rampage, the Basic Attack is replaced with Cosmos: Rampage, performing up to 4 consecutive attacks, causing Fusion damage, this damage is the Basic Attack damage.
Cosmos: Heavy Attack
During Cosmos's rampage, the Heavy Attack is replaced with Cosmos: Heavy Attack, consuming certain Stamina, commanding Wooly to attack the target with all its strength, causing Fusion damage, this damage is the Heavy Attack damage.
Resonance Skill: Cosmos Rampage
During Cosmos's rampage, Heat Wooly is replaced with Cosmos Rampage, attacking the target with uncontrollable flames, causing Fusion damage, this damage is the Resonance Skill damage.
Dodge Counter
During Cosmos's rampage, after a successful Dodge, using Basic Attack within a certain time will attack the target, causing Fusion damage, this damage is the Basic Attack damage.

Woolies Helpers --Intro Skill

Fall from the sky with Cosmos, attack the target, causing Fusion damage.

Thermal Field --Outro Skill

Centered on the skill target, a ground flame with a radius of 3 meters is generated. The ground flame will continue to burn the target within the range, causing 176.76% of the Encore's ATK every 1.5 seconds, causing Fusion damage, and lasting 6 seconds.

Black and White Wooly --Forte Circuit

Resonance Liberation: Cloudy: Frenzy
When the Encore's [Dissonance] is full, after casting a Heavy Attack, Encore will enter a Dissonance state, reducing the damage taken by 70% during the Dissonance state. After the Dissonance state ends, Encore will consume all [Dissonance] and cast the Flame of Chaos, causing Fusion damage, and the damage is Resonance Liberation damage.
Resonance Liberation: Cosmos: Rupture
During the Cosmos Rampage, by holding down the Basic Attack, Encore will enter the Cosmos's Dissonance state, reducing the damage taken by 70% during the Dissonance state. After the Cosmos's Dissonance state ends, Encore will consume all [Dissonance] and cast the Flame of Rampage, causing Fusion damage, and the damage is Resonance Liberation damage.
Dissonance Acquisition Rules
When the Basic Attack Wooly Attack hits the target, it will restore [Dissonance]. When the Resonance Skill Heat Wooly hits the target, it will restore [Dissonance]. When the Resonance Skill Energetic Wellcome hits the target, it will restore 30 points of [Dissonance]. When the Intro Skill Wooly Helper hits the target, it will restore 40 points of [Dissonance]. During the duration of the Resonance Liberation Cosmos Rampage hitting the target, it will restore [Dissonance].

Angry Cosmos --Inherent Skill

During the Resonance Liberation Cosmos Rampage, when Encore's health is above 70%, damage is increased by 12%.

Woolies Cheers! --Inherent Skill

When using Resonance Skill Thermal Wooly or Resonance Liberation Cosmos Rampage, Encore's Fusion damage bonus is increased by 15%, the effect lasts for 10 seconds.

Skillful Cooking --Inherent Skill

The current Character has a chance to produce special dishes when cooking

Resonance Chain

Increases Fusion DMG by 3%.
Increases Resonance Liberation - Let It Burn’s damage by 10 to targets with HP lower than 10.
Resonance Liberation Cloudy: Uncontrolled Flame and Resonance Liberation Cosmos: Rampaging Flame damage increase by 40%.
When casting Resonance Liberation: Cosmos - Flame of Rampage, the ATK of the characters in the team increases by 20%, the effect lasts for 15 seconds.
The damage of Resonance Skill increases by 35%.
During the period of Resonance Liberation: Cosmos Rampage, each damage dealt will stack 1 layer of [Lost Lamb] for yourself, each layer increases the attack by 5%, the effect lasts for 10 seconds, and can stack up to 6 layers.